Email Marketing for the Holidays

The Christmas holidays are usually one of the busiest and most profitable times of the year for lots of businesses. With more and more people buying and booking online early for all sorts of gifts and offers. With only a month to go, your holiday email marketing plans should be in full swing!

If you haven't arranged any yet, contact us today!

Here are some reasons why email should be a major part of your holiday marketing plan.

They're made for mobile.
Your customers rely on their smartphones for all kinds of information gathering, and research shows a growing number of consumers are doing their holiday shopping on mobile devices. 

Offer instant buying options
By using a "Buy Now" or "Book Now" button, in your email, you can highlight a gift, a special offer or even an event that a subscriber can buy in a matter of a couple of clicks. 

Content ideas are everywhere
Businesses can use email to promote sales, invite subscribers to holiday events, showcase unique gift ideas or even gift guides – the list is endless.

You can automate follow up notifications
By automating a variety of your email campaigns from welcome emails to offers and reminders, you can help your customers through the purchase process without you having to manually do it!

Here are a few subject line tips if you plan to do your own email campaigns, otherwise, contact us today and we can put these into place for you!

Attention Grabbing Subject Lines
Sales Style: Hot deal, promotion, discount, savings, free
Timeliness: Order now, limited-time, today-only, last minute, Exclusive
Holiday: Good cheer, 12 Deals of Christmas, Season’s Greetings
Gratitude: Thank you, appreciation, your support

Personalize your subject line
Add your customers name into the subject line, emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. 

Consider adding emoji ⛄
Add a holiday type emoji to your subject line to grab attention. We like to use

Try asking a question
Use your emails content to form a question. Questions are automatically engaging, which is why they’re great for subject lines. Try something like, “Need some gift ideas?” or “Want to make Christmas easier this year?” 

Offer in your subject line
Capture their attention and get them to open and read the rest of your email with the offer straight up in the subject line. 

Need Content Ideas? Contact us today and have a chat!


Original article posted by Campaign Monitor 11 October 2016