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Marketing Tips for Restaurants

1. Be Social on social media

A simple marketing strategy managed in-house using Social media is a cheap (if not free) way to get out there. Social Media is now the major part of marketing and promotion for most restaurants and cafes. It’s quick and it’s relevant because the people following have chosen to 'follow' you.

Have staff to take photos of produce, new dishes or specials, then post them to Instagram and/or Facebook around three to five times a week. You need to control the style of the message to be 'your voice'.

You can outsource your social media to an agency/professional, though you will get what you pay for. Don't fall into the trap of trying to get it done cheap... your niece or nephew maybe social media savvy, though they can easily damage your brand with one ill placed comment or post.

2. Take great photos

There are 2 ways to to, you can hire a professional photographer (highly recommend) to get great photos that can be reused over and over on all types of media.

You can also DIY it on you mobile phone for that more raw/ authentic look. Just make sure you jump on YouTube and get some good hints on how to take the best shot you can... don't just start snapping away and post.

3. Know who you are

Stay true to your brand... people come to your venue because they like you, your staff, your food and drinks. If you're not fine dining, don't try to emulate what a successful fine dining restaurant Instagram looks like. Be you, you're the best as that.

4. Use technology to your advantage

There are post scheduling tools out there like Buffer, that allow you to queue up heaps of posts to go out on a set schedule so you can do a weeks worth of posts (or more) in an afternoon. Just make sure you keep an eye on it incase something changes like a menu or special and your automated post goes out it after it's changed... you'll confuse your customers.

Email Marketing is great, it's direct and they're targeted to your existing customers. There can be also be automated for birthday emails, discounts for new subscribers, VIP invitations and more... the only limit is your imagination. Just promise you'll consult with us 1st before you give it a go yourself.

5. You are the main course

You and your team are the best thing you can do to keep people coming back and bringing their friends. Your marketing and technology are a side dish to your main course of quality food and service.

Photography - Mitch Lui | Original Article -  Broadsheet